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Narsil Darkchild

Narsil Darkchildretired
Dark Elf Lineman,
Death Extravagante team retired


Interceptions: 0
Completions: 2
Touchdowns: 4
Casualties: 2  (1 was a kill!)
MVP awards: 2
Star Player Points: 28
MA ST AG AV Skills
6 3 4 8 Block, Dodge

Sustained Injuries: 1 niggling inj.

Retired during season XV.
1 niggling due to ageing
Appearences: 32 Injuries: 1
While Narsil, didnīt show much of his potential in the first season, he has played well in the later seasons.
Getting better, match after match.
However his niggling injury has left his position at the team, in the fringe.

Current Champions
Coach Prize

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