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Match result

Team badge
Death Extravagante

gate: 80 000
3 TD score 4
cas score
Team badge
Greyhavien Renegades


profile Ethuil Malice Bounty (20000 gp) dead
profile El´Tael Darksun
profile Cavalanche Blackrose dead
TD Scorers
Elwë dead
Pmg the Picker retired
Elwë dead
Pmg the Picker retired
Foulers (no cas)

profile Ariana Deathkiss Hall of Fame Bounty (30000 gp) dead
profile Ariana Deathkiss Hall of Fame Bounty (30000 gp) dead
profile Ariana Deathkiss Hall of Fame Bounty (30000 gp) dead
mercenary / fans / random event
Badly Hurt'ers
Celemir showoff II Bounty (30000 gp) dead

profile Ariana Deathkiss Hall of Fame Bounty (30000 gp) dead
Serious Injurers

profile Ariana Deathkiss Hall of Fame Bounty (30000 gp) dead
Celemir showoff II Bounty (30000 gp) dead

profile Armathor Bloodslaker dead
profile Bachere Darksun Bounty (20000 gp) dead
profile Bachere Darksun Bounty (20000 gp) dead
profile Maiketh Cavegni dead
profile Armathor Bloodslaker dead
Completions By
Thorn Of Vengeance dead
Thorn Of Vengeance dead
Joan of Ass dead
Interceptions By

profile Morvian Hellstrike Bounty (30000 gp) dead
MVP awards to
Pmg the Picker retired
Sustained Injuries
-1 MA
Middleman retired

victim healed by apoth
Weird Motherfucker ! dead
Result added May 11th, 2007

Match notes
Final Aros XVIII

What an amazing final match this was! That this was the season's highest gate was clear as the fans attended in the match more than usually. No less than three times did the fans invade the pitch, at one time taking down half of the Renegades players… Also a rock hit both teams at one kick-off, and a riot at the end of firs half, removed the Renegades chances of making a one turn attempt.

However, with the fans helping Extravagante at most kick-off a blitzing start and a perfect defence helped Renegades the other way!

Renegades received and kept the ball safe the first three turns, during which Extravagante removed several Wood Elves, so in the fourth turn it could have gone wrong, but Elwë managed to catch the pass and score for 0-1. And then came the blitz! This resulted in Pmg the Picker catchig the ball from inside a well shut cage, and next turn Renegades got ahead 0-2.

At this point both teams had killed opposing players, but the apo had saved Bachere Darksun from Extravagante whereas Renegades Weird Motherfucker ! was not so lucky. Instead the hired apotech had saved a BH on Rijssiej and the team apo was saved for later. It was the violent witch Ariana Deathkiss who had made the first kill, and she continued this for the rest of the match making no less than 5 casualties, 3 BH a SI and then the kill. In the very last turn of the match she were finally fouled, but only to BH! And despite all those casualties, the two apoes saved two BH (and a babe kept others out of KO) so Renegades could field 11 players throughout the match. Also no other players from Extravagante made any casualties.

Extravagante fought back, and scored for 1-2 by Cavalanche Blackrose and the riot prevented Renegades from scoring back. And then in their receiving of 2nd half they quickly tied the match for 2-2, this time by El´Tael Darksun.

Renegades, however, scored quickly for 2-3 by Elwë again, and then they used the wizard. Extravagante had failed to catch a short pass, and the wizard took the fumbling player out stunned. This left the ball lying free just in reach of catcher Pmg the Picker who due to the perfect defence was placed close to the LoS. He managed to get the ball, and with the blitz and several other players down pitch. The ball was almost secured. But not good enough! Strip baler Dragathil Blackwolf managed to get a blitz in on Pmg the Picker leaving the ball on the ground in two TZ. Not a problem to pick-up for an agile witch like Kayleen Darkscream. To dodge there though had proven difficult and with previous problems this turn, she took the chance with a long pass… But she forgot that even her high agility is no help against fumbling when harassed by two opposing players, and she did just that. And that was all Renegades needed and Pmg the Picker retained the ball and scored for 2-4 with only 3 turns left, basically securing the victory.

Extravagante got an uncontested TD for 3-4 by Ethuil Malice but with only one turn left, they needed some magic, and the only reason it did not end 3-5 for Renegade was that their turn ended when the ref saw them foul Ariana Deathkiss BH in the dying seconds of the match.

A big victory for the Wood Elfs helped along by a blitz, and a combination of a perfect defence, a missed catch and a wizard. Greyhavien Renegades is the new champions of Aros!

The above was written by Kynde the Rat

Outside knowledge:
The game was actually decided by a calculating mistake.
Both the players and three bystanders all agreed she needed a 4+, and after the dice was rolled one of the spectators suddenly figured out a five was needed.
And off-course the dice had ended on a four…
This was particular bitter as it had been stated that had it been a 5+, she would instead do a GFI, a dodge with no RR and then a 2+ pass.

A little note from an (almost) no longer bitter loser ;)

Current Champions
Coach Prize

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